WHS Class of 1970

Vance Elementary Link - 1st Grade Class - 1959
Tom Allen, Debbie Barker, Roger Barker Teresa Curtis, Larry Devine, David Dunfield
Becky Ellis, Melinda Fennema, John Gaupp Mark Gilbert, Norman Good, Norma Goss
Wesley Gress, Ardith Gripp, Mark Hackathorn Cheryl Hammack, David Howlett, Cynthia Monley
Rex Morgan, Rose Nesselhuf, Carl Payton Ed Reitemeier, Vicki Rhodes, Brenda Rose
Jimmy Rowden, Michael Schuler, Joyce Shriver Fred Toevs, John Vincent
Nancy Wardwell, Robin Widener, Shermie Wiehe Kevin Williams, Dan Freeman, Allen Montgomery
Randy Siebert
Vance Elementary School, Kansas City, KS
Kansas City, Kansas
Vance Elementary School, 1st & 2nd Grades
1st & 2nd grade classroom building


Lonborg, Principal, Vance Elementary
Mr. H. A. Lonborg, Principal

Mrs. Marjorie Stine
Mrs. Marjorie Stine
1st Grade Teacher

Mrs. Catherine Davis
Mrs. Catherine Davis
1st Grade Teacher


Questions or updates?
Email: shermie88@yahoo.com

Vance Elementary School Faculty
Vance School Faculty
STANDING (left to right):  Mr. Fred Burgess, Seventh Grade; Mr. Donald F.
Hudlin, Fifth Grade; Mr. Kenneth A. Bateman, Eighth Grade; MIDDLE ROW
(left to right): Mrs. Opal Minckley, Fourth Grade; Miss Claire Bell, Fifth
Grade; Mrs. Bessie Hoffman, Second Grade; Mrs. Pearl Welsh, Kindergarten,
Special Class: Mrs. Aileen Ericson, Music; Miss Lillian Cohn, Second Grade;
Mrs. Anna Phelps, Third Grade; Mrs. Marjorie Stine, First Grade; Mrs. Neva
Sue Munn, Fourth Grade; Mrs. Barbara Krenittsky,  Seventh Grade.  SEATED
(left to right):  Mrs. Adele Tillery, School Nurse; Mrs. Hazel  Haggard, Office
 Secretary; Mrs. Catherine Davis, Curriculum Director, Primary Music, First
Grade; Mr. H. A. Lonborg, Principal; Mrs. Darlene Theno, Sixth Grade; Mrs.
Juanita Charlton, Sixth Grade; Miss Dorothy Dickens, Third Grade.
Juanita Charlton 6th Grade Class - 1964

WHS 1970 Link

Shermie at the Piano