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The Golden Bee
The Broadmoor Hotel
Colorado Springs, CO
Forbes & Buchanan LLC
Engineering, Construction, Contract
Healthcare Facility Management
Shermie at the Piano
Pianist / Singer / Songwriter
Kansas City & Surrounding 100-mile Radius
John Turner - JoRiCa
Pianist / Singer / Friend
Knoxville, TN
Donovan's Service
Automotive Service / Repair
Shawnee, KS
Shermie on Bandmix
Pianist / Singer / Songwriter
Kansas City Entertainer
 Ken Miller
Composer / Conductor / Friend
Colorado Springs, CO
National Agricultural Hall of Fame
Bonner Springs, KS
The French Family Band
Nashville, TN
WHS Class of 1970
Washington High School
Kansas City, KS
Kwajalein Alumni
Private Group - FaceBook

Kwajalein, Marshall Islands
The Brothers Comatose
Harvest Moon
Entertain Nationally
Hindley Street Country Club
Adelaide, Australia