The Week Before Christmas
Twas the week before Christmas and all through the Range Ops, no users were frantic, not even BMDOPS.  The headsets were hung on the consoles with care; no missions 'til January scheduled in there.

Michael was working each day on this boat, hoping that Santa could make the thing float.  Al, in the midst of class data reduction, awaited the coming of his tax deduction.  Colonels Haddock and Jones settled down for a nap, both needing reprieve from chasing the "flap".  Gail closed her safe to the new PSP's; Trina wrote to her Dad and typed recipes.  Penny, AL LeRoy, Jim, Joe and Max were takin' it easy, tryin' to relax, and I in my green hat and funny brown shirt was crankin' out lessons for old Leavenworth.

When out in a drive there arose such a clatter, I jumped from my desk to see what was the matter.  I jumped from my desk to see what was the matter.  Away to the doorway I flew in a flash, tripped over the ashtray and fell with a crash.  I crawled down the hallway to peer out the door to see what was causing the din and uproar.  The sun glinting off the lagoon out behind roasted my eyeballs.  I almost went blind!  When what did my bloodshot eyes finally see, but a black and white truck full of Kentron PE's and a moccasin'd driver, no hair on his head, I knew in a moment it must be old Ted.

About medium speed his courses they came.  With exceptions and caveats he called them by name, "Now Sweetland, LeMaster, and Ken Jackson too, on Gruebner and Daly and sweet little Sue.  Haul in the champagne, break out the beer, get this place ready for holiday cheer!"  As the salt spray before the wild trade winds fly (which rusts out your bike and gets in your eye), so into the conference room they all flew to lay out the pupus and ice down the brew.

They turned down the lights and blew up balloons and mixed up the punch - not any too soon!  One sphere was inflated as sort of a joke.  it was silver and crinkley with nipples to poke.  So we started to party (it wasn't yet noon).  We ate and drank and we poked the balloon.  Finally the eats and drinks all ran out.  But Ted told us all there was no need to pout, "This island is rmpant with holiday cheer, you can eat and drink punch till you fall on your rear!"

So laying his finger aside of his nose, which was already red and started to glow.  He directed the rabble (though most couldn't see) to Comm and Supply and to CDPC.  Then on to Global, more parties I fear, 'til finally they made it clear down to the pier.  I thought twas all over, they'd hit every one.  They'd drunk themselves stupid and had lots of fun, but I heard them shout as they staggered from sight, "Meet at Al Greene's - Marguerites tonight!"

Authorized by Anthony (Tony) Mason (cpt. US Army), KMR CCO, Dec 1978
Shermie at the Piano