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Shermie at the Piano Thank You to all my Friends & Fans for your support in my greatest hobby music |
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Shermie is a consummate performer and entertainer -- the way he plays relates to a crowd just makes people happy. Shermie's style and musical mannerisms are incredible to behold and purely entertaining. His playing brings happiness to hundreds of people every month! - Troy Arman |
One of the best musicians to come out of the
Dotte of Kansas City, KS -
Craig of the "Craig Alan Rice
Internet Band"
One of the FAVORITE musicians requested every month. (Hillside Village of De Soto) - Brenda Hernandez May 20, 2024, Shermie, we are so appreciative of your help with Barnyard Babies. Thanks to you, we were able to have a very successful event. We couldn’t have been as successful without the help of volunteers like you. We hope to see you again at one of our upcoming events. We sincerely appreciate your time and dedication to the National Agricultural Center. Marsha, Judy and the Board of Directors Shermie is more than a pianist, he is an artist. Gene Handy Your music brings me joy! Misses Kaholokula Thanks for the memories of all those wonderful sounds and the nights down at the VFW at Kwajalein that you and the gang gave us. Austin Omlie June 30, 2018, 50th Wedding Anniversary Party, Kansas City, KS - Thank you so much for making our day so special. Music adds such a fun element to any celebration for all. Thank you for sharing your gift, your musical talent. Jon & Judy Maxwell Your volunteer time providing music made summer an amazing success! Over 5,000 people enjoyed the 2017 Barnyard Babies Festival at the National Agriculture Center and Hall of Fame, Bonner Springs, KS. Thank You! Judy, Marsha & Dawn For any of my friends that live in the Kansas City area, if you're looking for something to do, Shermie is an awesome guy, piano player like none other. He's an entertainer that will leave you talking about him. He's the nicest guy to work with and chat with. If you get a chance to listen to him, go, and tell him I said hello. Frank Wain Perry Shermie, Thank You so much for providing the music for our Prime Rib Dinner Fundraiser. We have had many compliments on the music, and are pleased to let you know how much people enjoyed your style. You were a great addition to the atmosphere and ambience. Thank you for turning our fundraiser into a success. Director / Gothenburg Senior Center, Angela Barkmeier Great Job in Gothenburg, NE, Senior Center: Shermie: Just wanted to tell you, we got lots of excellent comments on the music at the prime rib dinner fund raiser last Friday, March 23, 2012. They thought your choice of music was wonderful, you could say "A great time was had by all". Judy Linda and I listened intently to every word spoken of the KNOP TV interview about you and your music. A better man does not exist on this earth, that's what we think of you! People from all walks of life have enjoyed your musical talent. Funny thing is you do it for free, for mankind. I liked you from the first day we met, I know I'm a little crazy at times but I sure do enjoy our friendship. I'm proud to call you a friend and have more respect for you than I do for myself. Know this is sure, when you play music it takes people on a journey in their minds to a time and place from the past. The elderly are sick and in pain, when you play the pain goes away for the music duration. Just try to imagine how much relief you have given and you're not even a doctor. Wow! You blow me away Sherm. Forget about all the bullshit some have put you through, just remember all the healing you continue to provide to others everyday. You've touched thousands with music and it is only just begun. Thanks again from the friendship and music, we listen to the CD's everyday. Nobody plays country music and sings like you pal. Johnny & Linda Jim and I really enjoyed listening to your music, thank you for the entertainment. You sounded great! Your piano with Sonson sounded terrific. You both are amazing. Thank God we have good friends like you to remember to share your songs, music and talents. We appreciate this very much from the bottom of our hearts. James & Grace Good attracts good and you deserve all the good, your life will run smooth and I love you too. Thank you for everything, you're the best. I don't think I would have made it growing up without you, together we made it. Love ya, your sister, Sandra Wiehe, Kansas City, KS Nov. 21, 2009 - Hey man, I rolled out of bed this morning and put on my "Shermie At The Piano, Christmas Music CD" and cranked it up. We needed a little cheering up around here, so it was nice to listen to. After my nephew's death, I've learned to try to live more in gratitude. Every day is nothing more than a gift. Cheers, Paul, Stockton, CA Thank you for what you do, you have a great following of people who are very appreciative of keeping the Kwaj spirit alive and growing. But in another aspect of your web sites that is apart from the Kwaj life, you have been able to let us all see part of who you are and we all have enjoyed being part of that too. What stands out most vividly is your respect and love of family, God and country. Your talents in music have been able to unite strangers but your ability to show what makes your life good is a lesson for all of us. Frankly I envy you and what you have, family especially. You're blessed. Jay Rodriguez, Carlsbad, CA Thank you Shermie for such a pleasant ambiance with your music. Bea, North Platte, NE Dear Shermie, thank you so much for being a part of G. R. E. E. N. 20th. The Endowment is extremely grateful for your support! You are an amazing talent, and we have received nothing but compliments about your performance at the G. R. E. E. N. We hope you will mark October 6th on your calendar for this event next year Sincerely Wendy, North Platte, NE Without You Shermie, Massachusetts, it won't ever be the same. Especially for these two former down-on-their-luck Karaoke D.J.'s who in three short years become headliners at the famous "Twin Oaks". Then again, we had the perfect formula for success: A Kansas farm boy who'd just spent 23 years on an island, a deranged Vietnam Vet and an absent-minded professor who locks himself out of his own car. How could we lose? Thanks for all the great times, for the music lessons and for your friendship. We'll do our best to console all those broken-hearted women you left behind. Marty & Dave, Clinton MA Nov. 11, 2004 - Hi Shermie, hope to see you again someday. You are the greatest musician, I have knew and the guys, Marty and Dave (End of the Line Band) will never find anyone to replace you and they know it. So everyone will be lost without you. Hopefully, you will find more good and faithful friends in CO and have a great life there. Just remember your friends here in New England will be lost without you. Take care, Love Maureen, Clinton, MA First and foremost I would reflect on: your generosity, your friendship, your great sense of humor, your songs, your smile, your keen insight and most importantly your great musical talents. For all the good times, I find myself feeling grateful to God and I thank him for someone he provided in my life in the yesterday that makes my today more meaningful. I certainly have a greater appreciation for good music. In memory of Carol, Clinton MA You came into my life so unexpectedly when I was 84 years old and brought so much fun and happiness in that year. Your wonderful style of the piano, when you played the songs I loved from the 1930's & 40's, that we both enjoyed together and from all your CDs that you made for me. I'm sure all the people you play for will love it as much as I do. In memory of Connie, Clinton, MA Nebraska Days Heritage Festival: Shermie, thank you so much for performing at the museum this year. You were awesome! Co-Chairman & Director - 06/20/2010, North Platte, NE Thanks Shermie. You're the most animated, talented piano player I've heard in the six years I've lived in the Colorado Springs. Great job tonight. Sincerely, John Shermie, I have a large collection of Marshallese music. I hear about the "Shermie & Friends" influence in the Marshall Islands. I really think my copy of "Shermie & Friends" Marshall Islands produced music should be in the museum in Majuro, Republic of the Marshall Islands, I do think it is the first real recording of their music. In memory of Cactus Pete Shermie, What a fabulous "Christmas Gift CD". You were always 'loved' and now this chronicle reveals why; talent, personality and HEART. You have meant a great deal to any & all Kwaj residents. Thank You for your kindness because, as huge as you were in the fabric of our lives, it's obvious now that we were just a fleeting touch of appreciation and joy in yours. Well done. Shermie was "EVERYBODIES" friend on Kwaj. Ray Helstrom |
![]() Shermie's Favorite Fans Angel, Jessica, & Toula |