Troy Arman
Troy has sung and played sax since he was 11 years old. Growing up in Marlboro, a small town in rural Northeast Ohio, Troy's Mom was a HUGE Elvis fan and his Dad introduced him to Ray Charles, so Troy grew up with the "right" music influences.

Troy played bari sax in school bands and college. He started out on alto, but once he got his hands on a bari, something clicked (more like "BLASTED!") and he has since preferred the bari sax for its power, tone and ability to "bring up the bottom" in any arrangement.

Compared to the likes of Peter Cetera, Paul Carrack, Steve Perry, Daryl Hall and even Sam Cooke, Troy crept onto an open-mic stage for the first time in 1998. Since then, Troy was the lead singer in Classic Rock and Rock bands ever since. In Kansas, he played bari and sang with R&B, Soul & Funk band Platinum Express. Troy also helped form and sang leads with Caprice Classic. Troy has actively searched for just the right mix of Classic Rock, Pop, R&B, Funk, Soul, horns, and vocal harmonies!

"Everything that I have learned and loved about music and being in a band, up to this point, has led me to this very special place in my life. Collaborating with Shermie at the Piano really opens up lots of possibilities - every time we get together. Shermie is a consummate performer and entertainer -- the way he plays relates to a crowd just makes people happy. Shermie's style and musical mannerisms are incredible to behold and purely entertaining. I laugh sometimes because I can't believe what he just did in the middle of a song! His playing brings happiness to hundreds of people every month!

"We have both seen and lived so many "musical lives", separately, and to bring them together now means years of heart, soul and experience basically multiply when stirred. You won't hear the same song performed twice the same way -- each song is a living thing and it grows a little each time. -- And if it seems like we're having the time of our lives, it's not an act!" -- Troy

Troy Arman

Singer / Sax / Guitar / Songwriter

Cell:  913-526-3811